Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Growth Spurts

Our Labor Day weekend in Pensacola Florida

Oh how I hate cleaning out clothes that my two have out grown. Avie has moved up to the 3-6 month size and is fitting in some 6 months clothes....tear....! As I was putting away her out grown clothes I came across the preemie outfit she whore home. I held it over her with her arms and legs poking out about 5 inches longer than the outfit! I cant believe she came home in this just 5 months ago...I thought. Reminds me of just how fast they are growing. Jackson is outgrowing shoes before he can even get them dirty. I swear I just bought him a pair of tennis shoes 3 weeks ago and I cant even get them on his feet now....I am just glad I only spent $10 on them.

Both of my babies are teething at the same time! Never thought I would get to say that! Jackson is getting his last top two-year molars and Avie is getting her first toothie! Its been crazy, sleepless nights, double the diarrhea, and twice the snotty noses.....oh and lots of droll! I get so paranoid at the slightest of fever or signs of sickness lately with all the flu stuff going around. I am so glad that I cant remember getting teeth because I cant imagine how that must feel. Your gums swollen and stretched, then having a tooth bust through it...not fun!

I am getting in the mood for FALL! I so love the fall weather...decorating...pumpkins...mums...hallowen costumes...which I have already started looking for. Last year Jackson was a Jack-in-the-box..... This year I decided I would ask him what he wanted to be...even though he doesn't completely understand the concept or at least I thought he didn't. He tells me that he wants to be....Buzz lightyear....so he can say "Buzz lightyear to the rescue!" So my hunt is on for a Buzz lightyear costume! For Avie I am still undecided, but I saw the cutest little pink bunny costume, and since pink is very much her color I think I might have to get it.

Cake I made for my future to be sister-in-law's bridal shower


  1. Jackson looks JUST like his daddy!!
    Beautiful cake :)

  2. He does look just like him...in fact more and more everyday! Thanks...the cake decorating is a lot more than I thought!

  3. I won't tell where that fondant has been :)
