Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Thanksgiving at the Lake!

Ohhh myyyy.....has it really been this long! I have lots of catching up to do. I can't tell you how many times I have sat down, planning to post....something....and a little girl ends up on my lap, or a little boy on my back....which would make my post look like this fjajdlfjdjdfkldjkldjjfdkjkkdjkdjf!

I know its now February, but I have to go back to November, and recap our Thanksgiving weekend. We stayed in a cabin on Lake Claiborne with some friends of ours.

The drive up to North Louisiana was beautiful....tall trees hug the
road and make huge canopy's above...with shades of red,
orange, and yellow leaves whirling down. It makes me feel
like I am in a magical fairytale. Then if you look quickly,
you can catch a glimpse of the whirlwind of leaves that follow behind.

This was the view from the cabin....peaceful.

When we arrived it was in the 70's....the boys were able to play in the lake, in their underwear,
I did not pack a swimsuit in November! By the next morning it was in the 20's!

Yes....we did.... dress up like Pilgrims & Indians!

They make a really cute Pilgrim & Indian!

Sandra & Kellan (in the womb), Sammy, & Jeff

A pretty cool tree!

The boat ride put jack to sleep!


I think I may skip the recap on Christmas....I am actually disappointed in myself for not taking more photos....it's probably a first. We got a video camera for my birthday, so at least I have lots of video footage. It was so fun to watch the kids on Christmas morning....Avie is now at the independent stage of doing everything herself....so I was able to just sit and watch....and enjoy!
We are finally well...and I say that with a deep breath! For the whole month of January we were with colds and coughs....and then more runny noses and fever and ear infections....I felt like it was never ending! My medicine cabinet is stocked and ready to go.
Avie is now potty trained!!!!! I used up her last diaper last night, and bought her Pullups for night time! She was so excited....she held those Pullups the whole time we were shopping. I am actually so sad about it....there is something about diapers that still makes them a baby....I guess they ARE for babies....and I love the smell of diapers...clean ones....call me weird, but I really do! I still have one of her newborn diapers. Anyway, she's getting too big, and she's especially too little to be wearing Dora panties.

I am going to try and be better at updating.....I really do miss this.

1 comment:

  1. Yay - I've missed your updates! Love your new background too. Avie is just about the cutest pilgrim I've ever seen. Any advice on potty training? Addison is not having it!
