Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A New Year!

Well I guess its about time I post something new....

We made it through Christmas and a new year....its time to start fresh and new. I've got lots of ideas flowing through my head and its time to put them into action. I have started cleaning out Jacks room to make room for his plethora of new toys....Avie's 3-6 month clothes are cleaned out...finally, and I have lots of ideas for her new toddler room. I have decided I am moving her into a toddler bed and out of the baby bed after she turns 1....she hates her baby bed anyway...I need to find something she will sleep in, besides my bed!

I am planning two birthday parties...which I love doing...Avie's 1st birthday is going to be so much fun...I am thinking about going with a ladybug theme...something different! Jacks of course, has been decided ever since he discovered dinosaurs!

I already want to start Spring cleaning my house...I know its a little early, but it should be called Winter cleaning since I am mostly confined inside during these Winter months...I tend to hibernate when its cold. In fact...I have delayed taking down my Christmas lights because I cant bear to even think about standing in the cold for two hours.

I am ready for a change in this house...we are going on five years here...and since my husband has convinced me that we will be here for a couple more...that means a few more....then I want to "redecorate" a few things....specifically my bedroom, bathroom, living room, and the kids bathroom...plus the kids rooms....I guess that's every room except the kitchen! I also want to do a lot of updates outside the house as well. I like improvements and most of all I love change...something different to look at.

And I've got some great ideas for lesson plans for Jack and Olivia.

Its going to be a great year...I can just feel it...lots of adventures...lots of changes...good ones!

Here are a few pics of the last few weeks...
Jackson did not enjoy this experience...

but Avie loved it!

My little sis and her niece and nephew

Avie's 1st cupcake for my birthday!

We had a birthday party for Jesus! It was a blast...
we decorated sugar cookies...made snowmen...read the Christmas Story...
ate birthday cake and opened presents!


  1. thank you for this. i loved it. the pics make my little heart flutter. Avie has such strong features... so beautiful that one! And I'm glad that even though Jack is a Christmas older, he still has a bebe face. Post lots about your house changes... we are doing some of our own. Little stuff here and there. Happy.Home.ing! xo

  2. The dinosaur theme works for me...get to it!
