Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I have a funny story to tell...this happened several weeks ago and on that very day I would have told you that it was not a funny story....that it was a day that I could have only dreamed up!
It was a good morning....so far...I had all three of my babes...Jack, Olivia, (my best friends little girl) and Avie. They were all doing their thing...Jack was playing dinosaurs in his room....Olivia was mothering her little baby doll...and Avie is a wanderer...so of course she was cruising the floors trying to find where the action was. I decided it was a good time to sit down at the computer and pay a bill that I had been putting off. This task took a total of about 3 minutes...in the meantime... Avie crawls over, pulls herself up on my chair...and I notice a peculiar smell coming from her. Being the mother of her, I don't even have to look at her, or know that she is there to know what that smell is, in fact I can smell it from across the house. I finish up my task and whisk her to the changing table. Keep in mind that Jackson has been in his room the entire time...he has no idea that I even paid a bill. I proceed my next task with caution...Olivia is at my side...for some reason seeing someone change a poopie diaper is so fascinating at their age. I chose to lay Avie on the floor in her room to change her, cause the changing table is full of folded clothes that I failed to put up.
In the meantime I hear Jack in the background...."Momma, I'm in big trouble!" Come here....I'm in Avie's room, I say! I really don't know what to think...I have never really heard him announce his degree of trouble. I can hear him running through several different rooms to find me, even after I have told him where I am! .....he enters the doorway......and I think my mouth literally dropped at that moment! In one had he is holding a blue ink cartridge and in the other the empty pen. Remember when I sat down for 3 minutes to pay a bill, well...I used that blue pen to jot down my payment...it was a nice blue ball point pen...the kind that has that little window on it and if you tilt it back and forth you can see the liquid ink moving....I really liked that pen! Anyway....he is covered in blue ink literally from head to foot! He looks like he has blue chicken pox all over him. I immediately grab him and drop him in the tub....run some water...lather him with soap....and scrub him! Meanwhile, Avie cruises on over...makes it in the bathroom and at the same moment that I realized that I didn't put a diaper back on her (luckily the poop is cleaned off) she makes a little puddle beneath her and has this big cute smile on her face while she does it! I grab a towel....pick her up...wipe her off....and throw the towel over the puddle...and set her down in Jacks room! Meanwhile, I notice that there is ink spots on the floor between the bathroom and Avie's room....I quickly grab a rag....wet it...and try to wipe up the ink before it drys! Meanwhile, as I am on my hands and knees wiping ink off my wood floors....I look up and see my entire living room floor covered in spotted blue ink! I throw my head back and let out a big Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... this is not exaggerated! I really have no idea what to do...all I know is that, if I don't get this ink wiped up in time I am going to be setting a new trend for wood floors! So I think...if I wet the ink spots down...then they wont dry as fast....and that gives me more time to wipe. I run to the kitchen...which is also covered in blue spotted ink...and grab some cleaner and get to spraying. Meanwhile...I discover that Olivia has pulled out every single wipe out of the wipe box trying to clean the poopie off her baby doll! I am really not concerned at this point... a $2.00 box of wipes means nothing to me right now. Avie is cruising around and every now and then I get a glimpse of her white hinney...she really likes being free! Jack is content playing in the tub, and its a good place for him...if I had to look at him right now...I just might tie him up in his bed....forever! Meanwhile....while I am still on my hands and knees wiping up ink...Olivia runs out of Avie's room to show me how clean her baby doll is and slips in the ink...she is now covered in blue ink....I grab her up....and decided to put her in the tub with all her clothes on...maybe the ink will come out! They are both in the tub playing and Avie is exploring all the toys in Jack's room...something she rarely gets to do! I look around at my spotted blue floors and I haven't even made a dent in cleaning the ink up....the more I look around....the more I see....so in a moment like this....what better to do than laugh....so I did....I threw my head back....opened my mouth and laughed...out loud...then the kids joined me...Jack sure was relieved!
Fortunately I was able to get all the ink wiped up...by God's grace none got on the carpet or furniture! If I look close enough I can see faint blue spots in some areas that got stained in the wood floor...I guess its a little reminder to me of a big day with a 2 year old, a 1 year old, and a 9 month old! Boy....wouldn't I be bored without these kids!

Somehow I managed to have a little humor and took a couple snapshots!


  1. Only you could handle a situation like this so well! ;) Love you Nicole! ~Danielle

  2. Nicole, you're not supposed to put naked pictures of your kids on the internet!
