Tuesday, August 25, 2009


_Sigh_ It's another one of those days...curtains back, blinds open, windows up. I love this prefall weather...Its prefect for playing outside all day...laying on a blanket with the bebe and watching Jackson roll around with the dogs...and sipping on tea in the evenings. The only thing I have to complain about it is... mine and Jackson's sinus' are taking a toll. But I am so grateful that we have been healthy and sickness free for a long while. Avie is showing no signs of a stuffy nose and I accredit that to nursing. She must have hit a growth spurt these last few days because I feel that my nights are spent nursing every 3 hours again...its about time for homemade baby food! I did try her on some rice cereal but she acts like its the worst thing shes ever put in her mouth. In fact I've tried it several times, and every time she flails back in her bumbo seat...if she was able to physically get out...she would! I did give her some mashed carrots I made last night and she didn't seem to mind that much...they are a little more sweeter too.
Well I don't have a follow up on Jackson and Wee Rock, because he didn't go this Sunday. He fell asleep 10 minutes before I had to leave and I wasn't about to wake him up...or I would have had a repeat of last week for certain. I do think he is starting to like Avie a bit more...his new thing is he likes to wrestler her...and no I really don't let him wrestler her...I just let him think he is (now that I write this...maybe that's not a good idea). He lays down on his back and I fly her over him, and she grabs his hair...he thinks its hilarious and so does she! Then she lands on his belly and Jack thinks she is trying to tickle him...then he tries to push her off. So we are experiencing "some" brotherly/sisterly love! Avie is just so in love with her brother...she smiles and laughs at him more than she does me....and he doesn't even try. All he has to do is look at her!
Lately I have been finding random objects placed in random places...and I'm not talking toys here and there. The other day I pulled open the drawer in my kitchen to get a dishrag and I find a half eaten granola bar instead...Another morning I go to turn the toaster oven on and there is a DD battery inside (I wonder if that could be dangerous)...and last night, I open the oven to put some cookies in and find a bell....like a ding ding ding bell! I would like to think that I watch him closely enough, that I would notice him pulling up a chair to the toaster oven, notice a DD battery in his hand and see him putting it in the toaster...all I can think is...must have happened when daddy was "watching" him. Which reminds me of last night, when daddy was in charge of watching Jack while I bathed Avie. I was headed towards Avie's room to put on her diaper and p.j.'s when I notice the door is closed. Great!... I think to myself...wonder who's in there. I open the door to a room filled cloud of white dust!...he found the powder! "What do YOU think you are doing," I asked..."I cleanin up," he joyfully responds with dust pan and broom in hand! There are puddles of powder all over the carpet, and he is trying to "sweep" them up... hence the cloud of white dust! I think he realizes that he is not having much luck with this method and tells me that we need to use the vacuum! Man this kid keeps me busy!

Avie - 4 months

Jackson 2 months

She loves to sleep with a blanket over her face

This is how Avie feels about rice cereal!

Chocolate Face!

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