Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Gender Revealed....

I had my first ultrasound yesterday and Avie and I got to see the duckling.....and find out if its a bebe boy or girl.  I surprised the boys with gender reveal cake!

            Don't make fun of  my cake....I iced and decorated it in 10 minutes.... that's a record

 Before the BIG reveal...the look on Jacks face is priceless!


 Drumroll......Love jacks hands....Avie is not too thrilled.

 It's A......

And I am completely shocked, because I could have sworn it was a girl!

 Jack saying....."A Boy"!

And daddy with the biggest grin.....I wonder if he would have been this excited if it was a girl.....

I have to admit that I was totally taken by surprise....but there is no denying that he's all BOY!  Oh Joy!  I asked Avie as we were walking to the car....."What in the world are we going to do with another Boy!" Her response....."put him in the dishwasher!"  I hope she has changed her mind by the time he gets here.

And now for the proof!

For some reason it makes everything better when you can actually see the life growing inside you...

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Cons of Pregnancy

Alright....Lets talk about this pregnancy a bit.  I've been avoiding it...not because I'm not excited, but because I just don't have anything good to say about it.  I'm not one of those "glowing" pregnant women...more like a "glowing green" pregnant woman, that always looks like shes about to vomit!
     The first 3 months were the worst.  I did not leave the house for about 6 weeks, and it wasn't because I didn't want to go anywhere, I just wasn't capable of going anywhere!  I was put on Zofran (a miracle drug) to help me keep something down.  I was vomiting all day, with extreme nausea all day! I was told I have hyperemesis gravidarum, a severe form of morning sickness, but now that Zofran is available, it is helping to keep food/fluid down.   However there are some side effects of the drug.....and because it stops up one end, it also stops up the other end!  Because I was also on Zofran with Avie, I knew of the effects and was prepared, or at least I thought.  I would take a Colace with every meal, a dose of Miralax, and alternate between Dulcolax and Senekot at night, and sometimes I still couldn't go!  I wont go into details on that, but it was bad that I would give up the Zofran for every other day!  I was depressed and so tired of being sick, all I did was lay down and get up to vomit. I did not cook or clean for 3 months and Brandon had to give up a few vacation days to stay home, because I was not capable of taking care of the kids.  I remember feeling so bad for them, and so guilty.  I found Jack making his own sandwich for lunch one day, and boy did they watch a lot of movies and TV!   The nausea and constant vomiting started to get better around week 15.  I would get sick in the mornings and have somewhat of a normal day and by 4:00 I was sick again.  My food intake was limited to.....toast, mashed potato's, sandwiches, crackers, baked potatoes  toast, mashed potatoes... Gatorade, oh and I forgot to mention that I could not drink water for several made me gag, then of course vomit. By now I am very educated on what the best and worst things are to have expelled out of your stomach! I have vomited so hard that I have busted blood vessels in my eyes and throat and have had to ice down my swollen face.....and I almost always pee while I'm vomiting...Jack and Avie have even offered me a pull-up!
      Today I am exactly 18 weeks....I can drink water, but cannot stand Gatorade! I can actually get up in the mornings without vomiting, if I go straight to the kitchen and make an egg sandwich...yes I know, my cholesterol will probably be through the roof!  I eat a sandwich almost everyday for lunch, and dinner is slim pickins.  I have learned not to "go off" of my cravings because they WILL make me sick.  For example....I was craving nachos the other day....just plain meat and cheese nachos, nothing else....I ate a total of 5 nachos.  Later that night, I got to know those nachos pretty well!  I cannot eat any raw or cooked vegetables, salad, or fruits with skin, like peaches and grapes, etc...I have tried and vomited everytime! So...I just stick with what works....baked potatoes!  Its a good thing for Flintstone vitamins, because that's the only form of  nutrition this baby is getting right now....yep, I cant even get down a prenatal vitamin! My days are pretty good, just always tired and cannot stand the heat!  My evening are getting better,  I have actually started cooking dinner, although I may not eat the dinner, I do cook it.  I get terrible heartburn over the slightest foods, and I am convinced that I even get heartburn from water!  I never had heartburn while pregnant with Jack or Avie, so this is new to me. I am at the top of Avie and Jacks prayer list... every night they pray for mamma to feel better, and their prayers continue to be answered, because I am much better than I was!
I guess I will go ahead and mention the famous "spit cup"....I know this is so disgusting and gross, but its nothing much I can do about it. As a result of the nausea and HG around week 14 I developed Ptyalism, which is an excess production of  saliva. You may ask....Why don't you just swallow the excess saliva....well because it makes me vomit. So I now have the luxury of carrying around a "spit cup"!  GROSS...I husband has now resorted to kissing me on the check, because he's grossed out by it!  The only complication it causes is dehydration because it can cause a loss of one to two liters of saliva a day! So I do have to be careful and make sure I am drinking plenty of water.

And finally for those of you reading this that have probably asked....Why in the world did you get pregnant again!?  To answer your question.....I really don't know....all I can do is blame it on Brandon, and make him an appointment to see a Urologist soon........
Now that the hard part is over, I have been enjoying feeling the little kicks in my belly, its nice to know he/she will be worth it!

Alright....I think that sums it up....for now, and you are probably tired of hearing about vomit!

18 weeks

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First Day of Tiny Steps

First Day of Tiny Steps
BREC (Church Street)
Teachers: Mrs. Myrtle & Mrs. Becky

She was so excited about her first day of "school"!  She got right out of bed and got dressed all by herself, she even got her brothers shoes and socks for him and his book sack.

She is in love with Hello Kitty


Waiting in the car to go into school

Once we were in the classroom, she did not want me to take her picture..... that's why she has this mad/sad face on.  I thought she was going to loose her "tough girl" composer because there were so many kids and several of them were crying for mamma....but she didn't, she stayed strong!  
I picked her up at noon and the first thing she said was "mamma, I had a great time at school!"  I'm so glad she did!  She told me they went in the gym and played duck, duck, goose, but she didn't feel like playing.  She said there were about 150 kids there....there were only 32....and that she had cheese balls for snack, and they were yummy to her tummy!  
I picked up two new bows for her on my way to pick her up as a surprise.  Little did I know that she was going to think differently.  After I buckled her in, I presented her with the package..."here, I got you a surprise for your first day!"  She looked in the bag...."What!....This is not a surprise mamma....a surprise is supposed to be like some candy or some shoes!"   Oh Avie....I guess I should have known!  I'm always trying to get her to wear a bow anyway!