Monday, July 27, 2009

Summer days are gone too soon!

Its soooo crazy that this summer is almost over...we've done a lot, but not nearly everything that I had planned! We recently went hiking in Tunica Hills. I know!... after it was all said and done, I asked myself...why did you bring a 2 year old and a 3 month old on a 3 hour hike! It was not nearly as bad as it could have been. Avie did great...she just sat in the baby sling on my chest while I toted her around. Jack was a tough boy...I have to brag and say that no two year old could have hiked up and down hills like he did! He occupied himself with sticks and rocks and the sounds of the locusts in the trees...which kept him going because he thought that they were snakes coming to get him. We finally made it to one of the larger water falls and somehow ended up at the top of it, thanks to my husbands wonderful since of navigation. It would have been perfect if Jack wasn't so curious about trying to see the bottom....made me so nervous. Luckily its so dry this time of year that the streams were shallow and Jack was able to play in the water. We decided to hang out and play for a while since we had a long hike back. Avie enjoyed putting her feet in the water as well. The hike back was somewhat dreadful...we were all so tired. Jack was very irritable and was moving at a snails pace. We finally made it back with tears, sweat, headaches, and very sore legs.
Sunday we went to church...a Sunday morning that I actually dreaded. Jack has started throwing a fit when we leave him in the started shortly after Avie was born. He has been at my moms the past few weekends, so we haven't had to deal with it....up until last Sunday. Brandon decided that he was going to bring him because "its just me" that is making him cry. Well after I dropped Avie off in her classroom I was headed to our class, and I see Brandon coming out of Jacks class (FYI he left a good 15 minutes before I did to bring Jack, so he has been in Jacks classroom for a good while) and Jack screaming is soon to follow... And I am happy to know that "its not just me". It's a horrible feeling as a parent...knowing that your child is screaming in agony for you! We both stood in the hallway waiting/hoping his screams would subside. They eventually did. But guess who leaves in the middle of Sunday school and before church to check on jack...daddy does:) I knew it would get to him!

Did I mention my wonderful sister came too!
Couldn't have done it without her.

...And this is when the tears started

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