Monday, March 5, 2012

Cloudy, with a chance of powder

It was one of those days....the one where the kids have a nap after five o'clock and you are dreading when they wake up, because you know its going to be a loooooong night!  That happened to us a couple weeks ago when we made the trip to Prairieville after church to visit grandma!  They slept the whole way home, and I have to admit, it was a nice, quiet, peaceful, ride home.  We arrived home and quickly threw together something for dinner....I dont quite remember what, but it was probably along the lines of cereal or something that the kids talked me into eating like a bag of chips and a plain hot dog.  Around eight o'clock, I notice that I have not seen my husband in a while....nothing unusual, he often escapes to some other place and I don't realize it until my patience has run out and I need someone to yell at.  This time I find him snoozing in his chair....envious, I grab a cup of ice cold water and douse it all over him!  I just stare at him and mumble a few choice words under my breath and continue on.  After getting them bathed and into their pj's I was completely exhausted, and they were completely rejuvenated. I demanded that they go play in their rooms....quietly, and I plopped myself down on the couch.  The next thing I remember is, my eyes pop open, I check my surroundings, do the quick sit-up, trying to figure where I am and what just happened.  Then I realize...."I just fell asleep, and my kids are still awake! I don't even hear the kids! Maybe they fell asleep too!"  I head for their rooms and realize both of their doors are closed....Great....that is not good!   I open Jacks door first....scan the room, no kids!  Then I hear their giggles, over to Avie's room, open the door.....and for a second I think that I am dreaming....about to step into to a magical forest, of dense fog, then....something grabs a hold of my lungs, and I start to cough....and then I taste it.....powder!  They have gotten into the powder!  Through the cloud of dust I finally spot them....they both freeze and look at me with a blank stare, I quickly shut the door.  Maybe they didn't see me....maybe when I open the door again,  they will be like sweet little angels playing side by side with blocks, or playing with Avie's kitchen, making pretend meals for all the stuffed animals.  I quietly crack open the door....just enough that my eye can peak in.....nope!  I'm not dreaming.  For a minute I just want to run in there like a wild beast and tackle them both down!  Of ALL things why the powder! And why in the world did I have powder in her her drawer, that she can easily pull out and play with.  Did I really think that a 2 year old was going to need powder!  "Oh, I think my bottom is a little chapped today....oh I almost forgot, I have some powder in my night stand that mom left in there....let me just pat a little on!"  Why do we even have powder....its still the same bottle that I got at a baby shower, over 2 years ago!  The only thing its good for is to pat in my hair, when I haven't washed it in over a week!  But apparently I cannot part with the bottle of powder.....

Disclaimer: if the pics look a little cloudy....its not your computer or 
my camera, its just the cloud of powder surrounding the room.


  1. You forgot to mention how I helped clean it up.

  2. I just laughed so hard that I'm crying now. Better you than me sister!
