Monday, April 26, 2010

My First Born is 3!

First - preceding all others in time, order, or importance.

Please don't misunderstand me...both my children are equally loved and of importance to me. But there is something different about the first...just like there is something different about the second...third...and so on. Naturally we tend remember our "firsts" easily...they come to mind more frequent...and we have a tendency to relate to them more often. Your first kiss...your first job...your first car....your first house....your first child. It's an event in life that you have never before experienced....and it makes it special and important.

For me....I can pretty much remember all of Jackson's firsts. That first pregnancy test....among the other 3...when I heard his heartbeat for the first time...the day he was born...his first smile...the first time he crawled....his first word...his 1st birthday...his first steps....the first time he busted his lip...the first time he said, "Momma I love you!"...the first time he tee-teed on the potty...I could probably go on all day! But I know that in years to come there will be a lot more FIRSTS for him.

It does make me sad that this is probably the last year he gets to stay home with me all day, and we get to snuggle up in the mornings and watch cartoons, it's the last year that I am his teacher, the last year for play dates, and the last year that I truly have complete control over him. It seems that when they start school they are on their to make decisions, choose friends, decide what kind of friend he will be....and a whole list of other things that I wont be there to intervene and decide for him.

....BUT the good thing is, it shows me that we are raising a little boy that is growing into someone that can make those decisions for himself, and I am confident that "most" of the time he will make the right decisions...the way that we have taught him. And really... its the beginning of a new chapter....Raising a Preschooler....I bet that is going to be interesting and fun!

I think Jackson had a pretty cool 3rd birthday....he woke up to a flaming waffle and a party popper...and for lunch his daddy took off work to take him to lunch and the mechanic shop to get his windshield fixed! He felt so special...when he walked out the door, he made sure to tell me, "momma no gurs are coming, its just boys and daddies!" For dinner we took him to his favorite place....Sonny's Pizza in St. has great pizza and an ice cream parlor and game room....all his favorite foods in one place. After dinner we took him to ride the ferry and caught a glimpse of an awesome couldn't have been more perfect....

Happy 3rd Birthday Jackson

I love you crazy!

Avie has the third candle

St. Fancisville is such a longggg ride from Zachary....not really

The Claw.....Ohhhhhhhh....the claw.......

So intense...

Thanks Jack!

Ice cream time!

Avie got a little too messy!

Ferry ride!


And away it goes....

1 comment:

  1. Oh what a fun birthday! So special:) Love that you and Brandon made it so exciting. Happy birthday Jack!
